Pool Party Info
Come party At the conrad weiser community pool!
$325* for a 2-hour Party
$125 for each additional hour
*Additional charge for parties exceeding 50 people*
Party Hours: noon to 7pm (non-private) or after 7pm (private)
For available dates and additional information please email us at: ConradWeiserCommunityPool@gmail.com
$50 Non-refundable deposit due at time of booking.
All pool rules must be followed. Guards can review rules prior to start of party.
Parties must clean up the grounds and exit at their scheduled time.
Party price includes use of pavilion with seating and counter for food/serving area.
The pool will provide electricity, grill (upon request), trash cans, washroom access and lifeguards.
Parties may bring in food and drinks or request our snack bar be made available to party guests.
The organizer/club/point of contact understands the pool rules and assumes all risks for themselves and attendees and hereby releases and holds harmless the pool, its owners, board, employees and volunteers.
Party host may arrive a half hour before scheduled party for set-up.
Party date and time is not confirmed until the non-refundable deposit is received
**Date and Time of event must be approved by Management prior to booking**